
Development history

       Our company originated from the military enterprise in 1994, the military enterprise is our strong support force. The company inherited the high performance, sturdy, maintenance free idea of the military enterprises, we have strong integrated design capability in optics, electric and machine.

The firstwe have developed ten meters slither target. It is full functions, high precision, good stability and maintenance free. They are equipped In 26 provinces and cities nationwide team, and exported to Southeast Asia, and designated as a special target of national games.

Olympic Games cancelled the project and it was stopped production in 2008。

Guide roller Corrector is the important and delicate change parts for safe in high-speed wire rolling process, as high speed wire rod rolling technology was introduced from elsewhere and equipment was made in China, under the support of the Ministry of metallurgical industry motorized division, department of science and technology and high speed wire rod factories, we have researched and developed high guide roller corrector and some working been done about high speed wire rolling mill made in china. We have designed and produced the Siemag guide series, Ashilo guide Guardian series and Morgan guide series. Using guide roller corrector can reduce the rolling failure and improve the quality and increase yield.

The optical fiber was produced in the early nineties of the last century, we has always bend oneself to product optical fiber in china, we have used special adhesive with high temperature resistance and our standard manufacturing process, so our optical fiber was more excellent in transmission performance and resistant high temperature, stable and reliable quality. Our optic fiber cables have Repeated experiments at resistant high temperature and used in several hundreds power plants more than 50000 in 20 years by nearly 100 Chinese and foreign buyers. Those proved that we can dare to promise: Our optic fiber cables can ensure and stably work when long-term maximum temperature is 450≧, and ensure more than ten hours at 500 ≧ in the warranty period

At the same time, we have researched and developed the single tube for optical fiber, it is very stable to protect optical fiber and low cost.

At presentpeople have only provide the yes no signal and not solved peek and overlook problem. We is developing integrated scanner and strive for breakthrough in the following:

1. BY Avoiding really peek and overlookIt can reduce to debug on the spot.

2. It can provide true burning quality and flame length to reduce the coal consumption and dust stratification。

3. By Integrating, revoking amplifier, reducing wiring and instrument cabinet, It can decrease the cost of customer。

4. From the scene of the debug setting constantly, let customers to use more worry.

  TEL01083152647   E_mail:bjjsgd@126.com  ADRESS採廓^(q┗)宰孟@廉瞬36 臼圭L廓高寄B407片    奨ICP11029820-1
     諮z高w-臼奨湘房高室g(sh┫)_l(f─)巷望 井(qu│n)侭嗤  室g(sh┫)屶隔奨裏旋冴 砿尖