
The straight tube
Product name: The straight tube
Introduction: The straight tube is mainly used for front and back wall hedge boiler and not used optical fiber. It has to be used in this way due more near to the flame caused by the general fiber is difficult to withstand high temperature.
Flexible quartz optical fiber
Product name: Flexible quartz optical fiber
Introduction: The flexible quartz optical fiber is usually matched with the inner and outer tubes. The quartz optical fiber is mainly used to detect flames by sensing the ultraviolet ( UV) radiation in gas or oil boiler.
Semi flexible quartz optical fiber
Product name: Semi flexible quartz optical fiber
Introduction: 啣砿麼勣頁才唸椽Yo砿狹筍墳哂高w麼勣喘噐伴盪魏新嵌紗揚蔀阪t議從翌zy
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