
Why doesn¨t rolling mill pay attention to the guide corrector?

In the 1980s and 90s, our country began to introduce high-speed wire rolling technology. General design speed is 110m/s, actual running speed is about 100m/s. Now the actual operating speed generally is 60-70m/s, the better is 80m/s. As the speed raise, the risk of unsafe operation will be increased significantly.

One of the most important factors is a cheap guide that is short service life and low manufacturing accuracy, the guide cannot be corrected due to low accuracy, so correcting guide only use a bar sample to plug gap, fixing guider use a flashlight to observe. Because rolling system is low accuracy, rolling speed did not dare to increase. As pressure of guide roller and bearing raise, so guide is bad quickly.

Therefore, all rolling mill hope using the guide corrector, but they can rarely use guide corrector or cannot use them.


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