The Imaging fiber is mainly imaging of flame detection. At present, People cannot fundamentally solve the problem about peek and miss in the field of flame detection by using the method. The imaging fiber is made with glass fiber and can withstand high temperature, mainly used to detect flames by sensing the infrared ray or visible light in gas, oil or coal boiler.
TEL01083152647 ADRESS採廓^(q┗)宰孟@廉瞬36(h┐o) 臼圭L(zh┌ng)廓高寄B407片 奨ICP11029820(h┐o)-1
諮z高w-臼奨湘房高室g(sh┫)_l(f─)巷望 井(qu│n)侭嗤 室g(sh┫)屶隔奨裏旋冴 砿尖